Accredited MMA Coach Khalid Ismail Will Equip You With The Fundamental Tools To Develop Your MMA and Wall work Skills in This unmissable Instructional Series Dedicated to The Art of MMA
MMA Stance
MMA Fundamental Punches
FREE PREVIEWMMA Fundamental Kicks
MMA Punch Combinations
MMA Punch & Kick Combinations
MMA Punch & Knee Combinations
MMA Single leg takedown basics
FREE PREVIEWMMA Striking to Single Leg takedown
MMA Double Leg break down
MMA Striking to double leg takedown
MMA Defensive Movement
MMA Posting
MMA Knees
MMA Uppercut
MMA Sprawling
MMA Double Under Hooks
MMA Single Leg defence
MMA Single Arm Clinch
MMA Full clinch
MMA Clinch into guillotine
MMA Pummelling
MMA Pummelling with Elbows
MMA Pummelling with Knees
MMA Over and Under Double Hook
MMA Over & Under Inside trip
MMA Over & Under Outside Trip